Hola, I'm Dan 👋

Daniel Shaw

Full Stack Developer

Sydney, Australia

I am a passionate full stack developer who strives to deliver a consistent and intuitive experience for end-users. I thoroughly enjoy developing with (and learning new!) back-end and front-end frameworks.

Underneath the hood, I specialise in PHP developing sites using Laravel and bespoke solutions as required. I thoroughly enjoy integrating systems together, and have done so with external-clients such as Sydney Water and services like Dropbox.

On the UI front, I specialise in VueJS development but have also extensively developed in Angular13+. I have also dabbled in projects with ReactJS and completed projects using AngularJS.


Senior Full Stack Developer

June 2022 - Present

PHP 8 Laravel 9 MySQL Docker AWS

Padua Financial Group

Senior Full Stack Developer

August 2021 - June 2022

PHP SilverStripe MySQL Angular 13 Angular Material Docker AWS

Western Sydney University

Learning Resource Developer

April 2021 - July 2021

Learning Resource Developer

April 2019 - October 2020


A 2D online eductional game, based on pedagogical principles to teach students how to correctly reference.
Developed using GameMaker Studio 2. Analytics integration developed with PHP and MySQL.

GameMaker Studio 2 PHP MySQL
Cart Picker

A pod picker that enables students to select lecture pods to enrol in.
Maintainence work involved ReactJS and updating necessary JSON file.

Unit Roadmap

A dynamic roadmap customised for individual course sites detailing sequential Module information.
Assisted-development (scaling and additional features) and maintained using Phaser 3 Game Engine.

RefQuest Website

A static website detailing lore, history and principles of the RefQuest game. Co-ordinated design implemetation with LX/UX designers.
Developed using HTML/JavaScript and JQuery for effects. Additional Apache VirtualHost configuration for subdomain.

HTML JQuery Apache
Blackboard Quiz Generator

A modern reimplementation of College of Southern Idaho's Blackboard Quiz Generator. This tool allows you to enter formatted text to create question pools in the LMS Blackboard.

I converted the original implemetation ASP.NET 4 (WebForms) into .Net Core 3.1.2 Web API. I have added features such as MCQ randomisation, point value and answer numbering.

Developed a ReactJS front end to deliver REST calls to the Web API. As the server (RHEL) and was only setup for PHP/MySQL. Additional software (.Net Core run time), server configuration (Apache proxy) and systemd service were added.

.Net Core HTML Bootstrap Apache Systemd
Reactive Taskforce Exams Building Guide

A website that allows an exam-builder to select the type of exam and be presented with the relavent steps (dynamically).

This site was a high-priority reactive task, in which the site structure was designed and deployed in one day due to its crucial purpose.

Content was periodically updated and refined. Developed using Angular 9 and Bootstrap 4.

Angular Bootstrap 4
The 21C Project Storyboard

A site that details Curriculum Challenges of the 21C Project.
Developed using Wordpress with Avada theme and customisations to taxonomies. Additional virtualhost added for dedicated subdomain.

PHP WordPress Apache
Student Transition, Achievement, Retention, Success (STARS)

A site that details a students transition to university education. Containing information for Teachers and Unit Coordinators.
Developed using Wordpress with Avada theme with customisations to theme. Co-ordinated design implemetation with LX/UX designer. Additional virtualhost added for dedicated subdomain.

PHP WordPress Apache
Western One Stop Studio Bookings

A booking system which utilises Wrike to store bookings for an Academic lecture-pod recording studio.
Maintenance and enhancement work involved using Javascript for modifiying a calendar view, Google App Script for form logic.

Additional CRON job setup to send reminder emails. Additional PHP work involved:

  • Integration with Wrike
  • Integration with Google API (Emails, Google Sheets)
  • Integration with PowerBI
  • Generating iCal events
  • Collating data

PHP CRON JavaScript Google App Script Google API Wrike
Learning Futures Dashboard

A dashboard collating statistics of work effort completed through several streams. Integrations developed using PHP.


Watertight Group

Lead Developer

February 2020 - August 2021

Full Stack Developer

November 2014 - April 2019


Pipeline is a high-impact internal management system. It allows management of jobs, employees, assets and in-itself is a CRM system.
It is compliant with ISO-4801 (OH&S Management), ISO-9001 (Quality Management) and ISO-14001 (Environmental Management) standards.

The system contains two views dependent on end-user permissions.
An office-staff or higher is presented with a desktop-targeted, responsive, colourful intuitive UI.
A technician is presented with an iPhone/iPad targeted UI, allowing information to be displayed and entered in an inuitive manner.
Pipeline is integrated with Sydney Water, to automate workorder requests directly from an IBM Maximo system to a powerful job system.

The system is stacked with integrations to services such as Gmail, Dropbox, Pusher, Sentry and Vehicle GPS.

A variety of CRON jobs run in a timely manner producing quantitative and qualitative data for analysis.

The system was designed and developed by yours truly. This is one of proudest achievements in which i was able to automate tedious workplace operations and deliver a modern, intuitive experience to all stakeholders.

PHP Laravel MySQL VueJS AngularJS SASS Framework7 ElementUI API
Further Accomplishments

Developed a call center system that integrated with ANZ payments. Aimed at making it easy for an external center to handle customers, while handing the data and requirements to an internal job system.

Developed small contract-based systems to handle requirements for clients such as Gosford Council. This project had a target of making it intuitive and easy for technicians to carry out their work and for admin staff to view data.

PHP MySQL Bootstrap AngularJS API Gitlab